
Why AI Won’t Fully Replace Algorithmic Planning for Strategic Portfolios

The allure of artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniable. Its potential to automate complex tasks and provide insightful predictions has sparked excitement across industries, including strategic portfolio planning. While AI offers valuable tools and enhancements, the...

Expanding the Horizons of Business Strategy – My Take on Atlassian Team ’24

Recently, I was delighted with the opportunity to attend Atlassian Team '24, which was the first opportunity for Atlassian to bring its teams, partners, and customers together in Europe under one roof since the pandemic. No longer solely focused on engineering or...

Navigating the Future: My Perspective on Gartner’s View of Strategic Portfolio Management and Resource Planning

As someone deeply invested in the intricacies of strategic portfolio management, I often find myself aligning with the insights of thought leaders in the field. In my view, Gartner’s approach to strategic portfolio management and resource planning offers a roadmap...