Gartner, a leading research and advisory company, often provides in-depth analysis and recommendations in the field of business and IT management, including strategic portfolio management. Here are the top 7 key areas Gartner keeps emphasizing their importance, and how aangine can help organizations to excel in them, via its strong resource planning skills for Strategic Portfolio Planning.

  1. Emphasis on Digital Transformation: Gartner often emphasizes the importance of digital transformation in business strategies. In strategic portfolio management, this might translate to prioritizing projects that advance digital capabilities and ensuring resource planning supports digital initiatives.
  2. Data-Driven Decision Making: Gartner advocates for data-driven approaches in business decision-making. In the context of strategic portfolio management and resource planning, this could involve using analytics to inform resource allocation, ensuring resources are directed towards initiatives with the highest potential ROI.
  3. Adaptability and Agility: Gartner’s research frequently highlights the need for organizations to be adaptable and agile. In strategic portfolio management, this perspective would stress the importance of flexible resource planning that can quickly respond to market changes and organizational needs.
  4. Balanced Portfolio for Risk Management: Gartner might advise on maintaining a balanced project portfolio that includes a mix of high-risk, high-reward projects and safer, steady-return initiatives. Effective resource planning would be critical in achieving this balance.
  5. Technology as an Enabler: Gartner often views technology as a key enabler for business processes. In strategic portfolio management, this could involve leveraging technology solutions for more efficient resource planning and portfolio oversight.
  6. Focus on Strategic Goals and KPIs: Gartner’s approach typically involves aligning initiatives closely with strategic goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). This would be crucial in resource planning, ensuring that the allocation of resources is directly contributing to the achievement of strategic objectives.
  7. Change Management: Given Gartner’s emphasis on the human aspect of technology and business transformation, integrating change management principles into strategic portfolio management and resource planning would be considered essential, ensuring that organizational changes are smoothly implemented and well-received.